Shall I not have intelligence with the earth?
Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself.
- Henry David Thoreau
Saturday the 2nd, I was looking forward to getting much accomplished in my garden. I'm pretty proud of myself , I started early this year with the mulching, weeding and transplanting, Time for the veggies... yum yum. I had been waiting three days for the ground to dry, we have had several spring showers. WJ had already tilled the garden , all I needed to do was plant to my hearts content. I walk towards the veggie plot, check that I have all my supplies ... ground looks dry. I step into the tilled dirt and my foot sank ...........up to my ankle. Oh NO!!
The tilled dirt and low ground made it the consistency of WET CEMENT. I have limited time for planting because the forecast calls for more rain on Wednesday! At this point I am in panic mode. What to do.... what to do? No problem... I'll add more top soil in the low spots and with a couple more days of sun it will dry out...... I hope.
It worked, but didn't dry until Tuesday afternoon....... as you can see above I finally finished. I worked frantically until 9:30 pm , rain was in the forecast not only Wednesday but Thursday, Friday. .. then more rain next week on Monday, Tuesday... well you get the idea.
Planted this year was white corn, okra, green beans, yellow squash, zucinni, jalepeno, bell pepper, and two varieties of tomatos 'parks whopper' and 'big boy'.
And above is a thornless blackberry bush I added to the mix this year.
A nice surprise to days end with day lily Stella D'ore the first bloom this year.