Friday, May 1, 2009


Lavender and Alice Hoffman
(Practical Magic )

There's a few things I've learned in life: always throw salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for good luck, and fall in love whenever you can.

From High Country Gardens is Buena Vista English Lavender and Shimmer Evening Primrose. I took this picture to show how deep the pots are from High Country. Plants in deep pots are great to purchase, the roots are more established, which of course makes the plant have a greater chance to establish faster and thrive in your garden. In the background a gift from a friend of mine a football gnome featuring the Indianapolis Colts.

Viola 'Cornuta Purple Showers' that I planted April 13th and already blooming.

A close up of my Honeysuckle in full bloom.

Ghost Fern came out fast this year.

A three year old Clematis (type unknown) getting ready to bloom. Here it is last year.


a said...

Those lavender will be big and gorgeous in no time! I got one as a freebie last year and plunked it in the front yard rather absentmindedly, but it's doing well so far. Although we've had a ridiculously wet spring...

Blossom said...

I love those things you learned in life.