Friday, June 5, 2009

Where have I been?

The "tulips" on the tulip tree

I have been busy with some unexpected family issues and haven't had time to even upload many pictures, although I have been taking some. The garden is growing and here I have a few pictures to share of some containers on my barn porch, a close up of a geranium and the two clematis in full bloom.

I have also, as many gardeners have been, busy IN the garden and not blogging about it. Seeds to sow, flowers to plant, annuals to pot, veggies to grow, and the never endind weeding to do.

Oh, and I almost forgot, mystery solved! Below is what bloomed when I was wondering what it was back in my April post . And Creative Country Mom was correct in her comments to me, it is a columbine.


Unknown said...

And a pretty one at that! I love the clematis...mine are so tiny! It will take a year or two. Glad to see you back hun, and hope things get back on track. ~Brooke

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen~~ Don't you just love this time of year? I also have the little cart/plant stand--in your first photo. I have fun using it in different ways each year. Your plants are dazzling. The work you've put in is definitely evident.